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This page will be regularly updated over the course of the project with relevant documents, including presentations from Local Planning Committee Meetings and Public Workshops, display panels used in engagement activities, meeting summaries, etc.

Small Project Grant Interest Form – Do you have a smaller project in mind (less than $75,000), such as a facade improvement or building renovation? The Village is planning to submit a DRI application for a Small Project Fund to fund smaller projects that together can have a larger impact. Interest Forms from property owners within the DRI Boundary will help to demonstrate the need and demand for this program. Later on, if the Village’s application is successful, you would need to submit a formal application for consideration.

Open Call for Projects Application Form – Are you interested submitting a project for DRI funding consideration? Download the application form, which contains information on eligible project types and project requirements. The application form includes additional information on the Waterloo DRI vision, goals, and evaluation criteria that DRI projects will need to address.

Open Call for Projects Information Session Recording – This video recording covers the materials that were presented at the Open Call for Projects information Session, held in-person on May 29, 2024. It covers the DRI program, eligible and ineligible project types, project requirements, how to submit an application, and the roles and responsibilities of project sponsors once their application is submitted.

Open Call for Projects Information Session Presentation Slides – These slides were used at an Info Session held on May 29, 2024, aimed at prospective DRI project sponsors. The presentation covered the DRI program, eligible and ineligible project types, project requirements, how to fill out the application form, and the process that unfolds once an application is submitted. A recording of this session will also be available here by June 4.

Public Workshop Engagement Panels – These informational and interactive engagement panels were used at Public Workshop #1, held on May 28, 2024. They provide an overview of the DRI program and aim to solicit ideas from the public in regards to: What are Downtown’s strengths and assets? Where is improvement needed Downtown? What types of projects would contribute to revitalization in Downtown Waterloo? If you would like to share your thoughts, please take our online survey by clicking here.

Public Workshop #1 Presentation Slides – These slides provide an overview of the DRI, including the planning process and the roles and responsibilities of the State, Consultant Team and Local Planning Committee. The draft vision for the Waterloo DRI was shared for feedback from the public. Last, an overview of the Open Call for Projects was provided.

LPC Meeting #1 Minutes – This document is a summary of the agenda and discussion of the first LPC Meeting, including questions and comments during the public comment period.

LPC Meeting #1 Presentation Slides – These slides were presented at LPC Meeting #1, held on May 8, 2024. This meeting provided an overview of the DRI and the planning process, described the roles and responsibilities of the State team, Consultant Team, and LPC, and outlined the various engagement activities that will be undertaken as part of the process.

Village of Waterloo Round 7 Application – This document is the application prepared by the Village of Waterloo for consideration by the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council for Round 7 of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative.