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Get Involved

Community engagement is a critical component of the Waterloo DRI – a plan that is rooted in the values, aspirations, and needs of the community is more likely to succeed. A range of engagement opportunities will be hosted over the course of the DRI process, including public comment periods following each LPC meeting, public workshops where you can provide your feedback on the DRI vision and goals and projects, drop-in info sessions, and other interactive engagement events that will determined at the outset of the project.

This page will be updated on an ongoing basis with information on upcoming events and materials used at past events.

Public Workshop #1 – May 28, 2024

Public Workshop #1 is an opportunity to learn more about the DRI and the planning process, and to provide your input on the opportunities and challenges that downtown Waterloo is facing and the types of projects that you think would bring about positive change. Your input will be used to craft a vision and goals for the Waterloo DRI. This workshop will be held in the LGI Room at Waterloo Middle School at 65 Center Street.

Online Survey #1

Take our online survey to share your thoughts on the opportunities and challenges that could be addressed through the Waterloo DRI! What are downtown’s strengths and assets? What’s missing that would make downtown a better place to live, work, and visit? Are there parts of downtown that could use improvement? Click here to take the survey!

LPC Meetings

Meeting #1 – May 8, 2024

Meeting #2 – June 12, 2024

Meeting #3 – July 31, 2024